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Women's Wellness:
Aging at Any Age with Moxie!
"Vigor, nerve, pluck. spirit and courage. Force of character. Attitude."
Moxie is the secret sauce that juices things up. It can be subtle or overt, but either way it lets you know who you are and allows you to live out loud with spirit and no regrets.
These authors have shared a diversity of gritty real-life stories from hormonal nightmares, devastating breakups, bullying, illness, accidents, depression and more, yet they have all chosen to move through adversity into triumph.
They now pilot planes, belly dance and burlesque, jump into marathons and onto their Harleys...and range from think to curvy, vegans to meat-eaters, moms to singles, bug business to retired, and from quiet to outrageous.
There is something to inspire every woman in this book . Wherever you're at right now, these stories will inspire you to push the upper limits of your comfort zone and take the next step into a higher level of joy, wellness, purpose and passion.

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a ride!”
~Hunter S. Thompson
“Chocolate is a vegetable, because it comes from a bean.”
This is just one of many outrageous statements you’ll hear from Christine Awram (while wearing a pink tiara) as she encourages women to question any of their beliefs that limit an empowered, joyful, and successful life.
She’s the founder of Woman Of Worth WOW Worldwide and is a dynamic speaker, author, visionary, and philanthropist. Christine radiates vitality with her indomitable spirit and humour. Yet her earlier years began as a teenage runaway who experienced addiction, illness and depression.
She inspires others by sharing the specific strategies she used to move from futility to fulfillment, and how she transformed challenges into passion and purpose.
Christine’s commitment to the empowered leadership of women resulted in her being honoured with the Outstanding Leadership Award by the Global Women’s Summit. She has personally inspired over 10,000 women through her WOW events, has published six #1 bestselling books in the last three years, and believes she is just getting warmed up.
Finding a Way Forward
“Beautiful souls are shaped by ugly experiences.”
~Matshona Dhliwayo
Ali is a person who is often described as someone who wears many hats. She has worked for many years as a disability case manager, minister, worship leader, musician, writer, and storyteller, creating a wonderful skill set which continues to evolve.
After sustaining a brain injury in 2015, she has continued to find new ways to re-create herself. She lives in Victoria, BC with her husband Dave and their German Shepherd Sammie.
Ali has sat on several boards throughout her career, including the Family Support Institute of BC, which supports families with children and other family members living with disabilities, and the Military Family Resource Centre, which supports military families. She has served on Aldergrove and Esquimalt boards as well as the national board for military families, and she has volunteered for over fifteen years performing fundraising for various agencies which are all now under the Community Living BC umbrella.
Ali now spends time creating music, stories, poems, and paintings.
Just Say Yes!
“A candle does not need to burn out its flame in order to light another. In fact, it can light limitless candles.”
~Author Unknown
Amy Hadikin is dynamic and passionate about living her best life. She loves helping others and is dedicated to improving quality of life for all.
After getting out of a non-serving relationship and life, Amy said yes to all her passions that were knocking at her door. Today, Amy finally lives her truest purpose by helping others to live their best life in the yoga studio and through vegan lifestyle coaching and meditation. Her focus is being a strong role model for Maya, her beautiful daughter, and to instill in her that she, along with everyone else in life, should not just survive but THRIVE.
Want to learn more? Join Amy on her Facebook page every Monday at 8:00 p.m. Pacific time for a FREE live broadcast. During these fifteen-minute sessions, she addresses the questions that people ask her on a regular basis, and provides constant motivation.
Claiming My Truths – Moxie, Mayhem, and Magic
“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”
~Richard Bach
Email: vocalpoint@telus.net
Ange Frymire leads an active, passionate life as teacher, writer, facilitator, mentor, life coach, communicator, and therapeutic counsellor.
She founded a boutique communications firm in 1992 and began teaching in 1995, which mushroomed into teaching business writing to university students. She was a co-author of Fundamentals of Public Relations and Marketing Communications in Canada and has had numerous stories and articles published. She is also a best-selling author through participating in her first collaborative book, Family Tree: Embracing Your Mother Daughter Roots for Forgiveness, Fulfillment and Freedom. Her debut novel will be launched in 2020.
Continuous studying of the human psyche and behaviours has led Ange to thirty years of senior-level business expertise in communications, social responsibility, employee engagement, media relations, and stakeholder development. After her husband became ill, she focused on her studies in psychodynamic therapeutic counselling with Clearmind International and is now a licensed, registered therapeutic counsellor.
Ange is a tireless volunteer for boards and committees who specialize in the humanity of society. This passion has rewarded her with the “Canadian Mentor of the Year” award by the Canadian Public Relations Society, as well as being named a fellow with its College of Fellows. She is also president of the Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada.
A Recipe for Vibrant Beauty
“The Lord did not people the earth with a vibrant orchestra of personalities only to value the piccolos of the world. Every instrument is precious and adds to the complex beauty of the symphony.” ~Joseph B. Wirthlin
DeeAnn Lensen is an award-winning, European-trained Advanced Aesthetic Educator, Spa Consultant, Certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, keynote speaker, and #1 bestselling author.
She is the president and CEO of Touché Beauty. She also owns Advanced Spa Technologies, a five-star spa consulting, education, and distribution company in Canada. A pioneer in pairing empowerment with spa treatments and spa staff education, her multi-faceted strengths have empowered thousands from the inside out.
Frustrated by the onslaught of fear-based marketing targeted at women, DeeAnn dissected the cosmetic industry with its own fine-tooth comb and created Emotional Freedom Technique tapping exercises for women to use while applying skincare to increase self-compassion. She also offers many public programs, including the “Empowered Inside Out Support System: Emotional Intelligence/Life Coaching.” DeeAnn also offers “Emotional Freedom Technique Downloads” and “Women’s Empowered Inside Out Evenings and Event Speaking.”
As a successful spa consultant, DeeAnn has advised spa properties across North America and consulted many companies on skin care product development. She is deeply respected for her ability to support spa businesses through education, creative marketing, empowering staff and coaching management, as well as speaking at Empowered Inside Out seminars for the clients of the spas she supports.
Cross That Finish Line and Liberate Your Inner Champion
“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.”
~Lao Tzu
Email: egt_home@shaw.ca
Instagram: @gailthevarge3
Gail’s mantra is “whatever it takes,” and she uses this to complete challenges in all areas of her life. Her vision is to inspire other women to reignite their desires by completing large goals, to be an example that it’s never too late to start something new, and to constantly push past self-imposed limits to reach new heights that were previously unimaginable.
Being an author in this book is another example of a larger-than-life challenge that Gail felt compelled to conquer – one that was unlike anything she has done previously and was so far out of her comfort zone.
Gail’s greatest passion is to travel, and she is at her best when she is able to combine runs with travelling to new destinations each year. She resides in Summerland in the beautiful Okanagan Valley and loves spending time with her two amazing children, Taylor and Emily, while awaiting the next big challenge and adventure.
My Screaming Hormones
"An imbalance in anything NEEDS to be balanced.”
~Helen Horwat
Email: chomehorwat@mac.com
Helen (Chome) Horwat was born in Brownsville, PA in 1953. She went on to become a recruiter for the US Information Agency in Washington, DC and then became a certified expert examiner through the state department. She also trained as a graphic artist and was privileged to work on the America Illustrated Russian Magazine, which is now a part of the John Marsh Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library.
Despite being a shy child who was terribly bullied, Helen was gifted with great bone structure and a tall, lean figure that was perfect for modeling. She became a model with the Ford Modeling Agency in NYC in 1977 and later went on to open her own state-licensed modeling school, Finesse. She also became a lecturer and motivational speaker on the topics of dressing for success, job interviewing techniques, and promoting yourself through your resume.
In her personal life, Helen raised her nephew from the age of six and was the caregiver for both of her parents in their final years. She has spent the last thirty-three years working for American Airlines as a flight attendant, enabling her to do what she enjoys most: travel the world and be there for her passengers.
Your Health is in Your Hands...and Your Hips!
“Let’s kick up our heels and GET GLOWING.” ~Janice Benna
Janice Benna is an ethical investor, mother, philanthropist, passionate vegan, dance instructor, and longtime lover of natural medicine, sexuality, psychology, and mental health.
She has a strong desire to share what she has learned over the years so that others can benefit from her life experiences. Dance has been a transformative activity and blessing in her life since childhood – rediscovering it in her early thirties was just what the doctor ordered! Not only did it become a favourite hobby, it was and continues to be a place of learning, growth, connection, and creativity for her.
She now shares this opportunity with other women through her women’s performance troupe, Hourglass Cabaret. The group is made up of women of all ages and backgrounds; some have danced before, some have not. Their message is to let the music move you, let your inner beauty shine, see your outer beauty, and value/love the body you live in.
Charity work is, in Janice’s mind, an elixir of well-being. The group gives back to local charities and fundraisers by volunteering and performing at many functions every year.
Turning My Curse Into
My Blessing
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”
~Maya Angelou
Jennifer Desloges wants to live in a world where we all feel good in our own skin. She has been a professional electrologist since 1989, has been teaching electrolysis since 1996, and is the founder and CEO of Jade Clinics.
As an expert in her field, she has educated the public about unwanted hair through television, print media, speaking engagements, social media, blogs, and podcasts. Last year, she was nominated for multiple awards for her business acumen, including “Best Small Business in British Columbia” with SBBC Awards and “Top 10 Best Franchises to Open in 2019” by Insights Success Magazine.
Her business has a life of its own, fueled by her passion to end the torment of unwanted hair. Recently, Jennifer has expanded her driving force into new services, like permanent fat reduction and youth rejuvenation.
When she’s not working, you can find her spending time with Marcel, her husband of thirty-nine years, as well as their children Janine and Marc, their spouses Nathan and Mika, and their three grand-dogs Princess, Bauer, and Linda – and hopefully, a few grandchildren in the future.
Change – It’s What We Do
“My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them.” ~Jack Kerouak
Facebook: Jocie’s Books
Jocelyn (Crabb) Johnston is the parent of three boys, and is a teacher and traveller. She received her master’s in education from the University of Calgary at forty-five and then went on to find work in a variety of obscure places including Hartley Bay, BC; LaCrete, Alberta; Ilo, Peru; Saltillo, Mexico; three different parts of the Sultanate of Oman; and a variety of remote schools in the Northern Territory of Australia.
Jocelyn still travels on her Canadian passport – taking on a variety of short teaching contracts – but she currently spends most of her time moving between Australia and Mexico.
She has published two children’s books: Ozzie Goes to School, published by Harper Collins, and James and the Crocodile, available online. Her newest book, Oman, Oz and Menopause, will be available in April 2020.
The Best is Yet to Come
“Live life, take chances, and don’t wait, because right now is the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you will ever be again!”
~Suzanne Collins
Facebook: Kristy Henkes-Joe
Twitter: @KristyHenkesJoe
Instagram: kristy_henkesjoe
Email: kristyannjoe@hotmail.com
Kristy is a strong, passionate, independent woman from the Dakelh (Carrier) Tribe from the central interior of BC. Kristy spent her childhood years in the Tl’azt’en and Nak’azdli Nation with a large family that immersed itself in the harvesting and cultural activities within the family’s Keyoh (territory).
Today she calls Merritt, BC home and is married to her husband Lennard Joe, who is from the Shackan Band within the Nlaka’pamux Nation, and together they have raised five children.
Kristy’s healing journey has given her the strength and perspective to live life in a good way and to fulfill her purpose, which is to lead others to reach their full potential so they will find peace, love, and happiness within. She has played an integral part in the healing journey of many Indigenous youth, elders, women, men, and organizations throughout British Columbia. Her innovative and dynamic attitude, along with her strong administrative background, has allowed her to excel as an orchestrator and implementor of many programs to create stronger, healthier, and safer communities.
She is recognized and acknowledged by many chiefs and leaders throughout the province for her tireless commitment to creating a healthier and happier nation.
Living My Bold, Audacious Life
And I said to my body, softly, I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath and replied, ‘I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.’”
~Nayyirah Waheed
Lorna Ketler is the owner and lead body-love enthusiast at Bodacious Lifestyles Inc, a women’s clothing store that offers a fun, safe, welcoming environment where all bodies are beautiful and worthy of being celebrated. Her store is located in Victoria, BC, but can also be found online and at various pop-up shops throughout the lower mainland.
Through her store, and through her online presence, she passionately encourages women to fully recognize and appreciate their beauty, their bodies, and their curves. Lorna delights in seeing the world from a fresh perspective. As she approached fifty, she decided that she would create an “epic” experience each month over the course of a year, starting with walking one hundred kilometres of the Camino de Santiago on her fiftieth birthday. She then filled her months with big and small experiences including jewelry making classes, painting workshops, travel, and most importantly, spending precious time with dear friends.
Celebrating twenty years in business this year, Lorna plans to enjoy that accomplishment by exploring new adventures and opportunities, including making art and having a big, bodacious dance party! After five years of living on her boat, Lorna now enjoys living in beautiful Victoria, BC, with her husband and best friend George.
Live Young as Old as Possible!
“It’s not how well you’ve lived that really matters, but how many lives have lived well because you lived!”
~Rajesh Murthy
Marlies White was inspired to start her business, SomaLife, in response to the loss of a close relative. Working with her husband, Dr. Philip White MD, the pair created a series of products directed at promoting better health for others.
SomaLife is an Okanagan-based health, wellness, nutrition, and age management company that develops, manufactures, and markets its proprietary line of one-of-a-kind products locally, nationally, and internationally. Now with over two decades of experience under her belt, Marlies leads her company to grow with the vision of changing more lives with natural health and wellness products.
Marlies is active in her community, especially with the local food bank and the Kelowna SPCA. The company’s SomaPet supplement was specifically created because of her love of animals.
Marlies lives by her personal motto of “You do what needs to be done, whatever it takes, helping as many people as possible along the journey.” Knowing how important her company is, she looks forward to fulfilling her husband’s legacy in the coming years.
Disconnected Motherhood CAN be Reversed
“Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you never knew existed.”
~Linda Wooten
Michelle Berezan is a therapeutic life coach, counsellor, speaker, author, and supermom of four children – including twins!
Combining her formal education and extensive life experience, she specialises in successfully treating addictions, issues with self image, perinatal depression, parental obstacles, and stress. Through her private practice, Michelle helps individuals discover and expand upon the positive aspects of their lives, thus enriching their lives further. She also uses her experience as a mother of high spirited children and multiples to pass on firsthand knowledge of how to overcome stressful parenting situations and build a strong family unit. It is her passion to speak to young people and to inspire women of any age to find their joy and passion in life.
Michelle has spoken at residential dependency treatment centres about her own journey of overcoming addiction as well as on improving one’s own life condition through personal accountability and giving back. She has hosted many successful charity events and has travelled to Ghana and Egypt on charitable endeavours. Michelle makes it a priority to be of service both locally and abroad through her foundation SWAG (Service Work Around the Globe), and she continues to speak out about improving your life not only after addiction but also after perinatal depression in her latest book, which should be finished shortly.
Pause. Breathe. Shift.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
Tammy Scarlett is in love with the person she’s fought to become.
Presently recovering from explant surgery on the heels of breast cancer and divorce, the release of her soul came with the stripping away of body and mind to discover the heart of a compassionate warrior. She strives to be a powerful role model for her two children, Makenzie and Seth.
Tammy has served as a volunteer in many capacities, including at the North Fraser Therapeutic Riding Association, Circle F Horse Rescue, and the BC Cancer Agency. Her recent pursuits include a life coaching certification, studies in trauma and strategic resilience, and becoming an integrative energy healing practitioner. She also sits on the board of a developing charity for restorative tattooing, After Cancer Art.
Now, a fresh start has come after facing her own mortality. Learning to let go created space for new possibilities.Through her extensive lived experience, Tammy has been called to be a healer and dedicates her time to building something of consequence. Upon being released as a cancer patient, she immediately began creating Soul Shift Wellness, a non-profit foundation designed to support women with breast cancer.
Finding the Humour in Aging
“Embrace the changes that come with age, keep moving, try and eat a healthy meal, and wear that plaid and polka dot outfit. JUST DO IT!”
~Terry Jackson
Facebook: Terry Davidson Jackson
Instagram: @azshawnee
Twitter: @ChiMouse49
Email: azontheroadagain@gmail.com
Terry Jackson is of Native American and English descent. She is a grandmother who has fostered her spirituality and creativity throughout her life. She celebrates the sacredness of the feminine and shares her stories to encourage women on their own journey through life.
As a global wanderer who has travelled to Machu Picchu, Egypt, Dubai, Europe, and other places near and far, Terry is an experiential learner whose life lessons have come from a variety of experiences, including being adopted and finding her birth family.
She is also a certified massage therapist, aromatherapist, and hypnotherapist. She enjoys creating jewelry, writing, beading, and making lotions and potions utilizing her knowledge of essential oils.
Terry and her husband opened the only Native-owned trading post in Tucson, Arizona in 2005. Their first inventory included many pieces from their own collection, and they now have a well-stocked trading post with something for everyone. It is an anchor in the Tucson community and enjoys solid relationships with the University of Arizona, the American Indian Law School Students Association, the Tucson Indian Center, the VA Hospital, and more.