#1 Bestselling Author
Susan is a passionate world traveler and formed “Dreamweavers on the Go”, an online presence dedicated to inspiring and motivating people to travel through shared real-life experiences. Her dad was a pilot in the Royal Canadian Air Force which labelled her as an “Air Force Brat,” so she quickly became accustomed to moving. This led to her desire to learn more about the world and eventually she spent three months in Europe in the 70’s, exploring twenty- three different countries. Her multifaceted career has included working as a travel consultant, special tourism projects manager, festival manager, tour guide, hotel sales director, marketing consultant, and executive secretary.
After raising two daughters by herself, she travelled the world for a year at the age of fifty-one. She had nothing but a backpack, a fistful of pennies, a peaceful heart, eyes and ears wide open, a “no fear” attitude, and a willingness to learn as much as she could about everywhere she went and everyone she met. With forty countries now tucked under her belt, her goal is to become a global volunteer, make a difference, and have fun.
Her interests include writing, yoga, meditation, natural health and wellness, reading, and spending quality time with her family and friends when she’s not up in the air or under the ocean.
15 Empowered Entrepreneurs Share Success Stories with Soul

Chapter Title: From Grieving to Grooving
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover..”
— H.Jackson Brown,Jr., "P.S. I Love You"
Do you ever observe successful women, and believe you can never do what they've done? You might think, "I'm not as smart or qualified, I don't have the time or money, they've had more advantages."
Every woman in this book deeply understands challenge, and some have experienced almost unspeakable pain and hardship. The common thread that runs through all their stories is a decision to learn, heal, and collaborate with others to successfully move forward. They are sharing their real and relatable stories so you can see how it's possible to live your own dream.
"Hell Yes! You can absolutely be a s successful entrepreneur who's on purpose, passionate, powerful and profitable. WOW is an empowerment rockstar and guides the way."
Isabelle Mercier - CEO of LeapZone Strategies and Host of Leap TV
"This book clearly demonstrates that combining business with a passionate heart and soul is a powerful testament to success and the empowered leadership of women."
Candace Newton Chaput - Founder, Unlocking Secrets For Women
Great women empower other women to be great, and behind every successful woman is a tribe of other women who have her back. You are a Woman Of Worth and you are absolutely glorious. It's time to Get WOWed!