#1 Bestselling Author
Lorna Ketler is the owner and lead body-love enthusiast at Bodacious Lifestyles Inc, a women’s clothing store that offers a fun, safe welcoming environment where all bodies are beautiful and worthy of being celebrated. Her store is located in Victoria, BC, but can also be found online and at various pop-up shops throughout the lower mainland. Through her store, and through her online presence, she passionately encourages women to fully recognize and appreciate their beauty, their bodies, and their curves.
Lorna delights in seeing the world from a fresh perspective. As she approached fifty, she decided that she would create an “epic” experience each month over the course of a year, starting with walking one hundred kilometres of the Camino de Santiago on her fiftieth birthday. She then filled her months with big and small experiences including jewelry making classes, painting workshops, travel, and most importantly, spending precious time with dear friends.
Celebrating twenty years in business this year, Lorna plans to enjoy that accomplishment by exploring new adventures and
opportunities, including making art and having a big, bodacious dance party! After five years of living on her boat, Lorna now
enjoys living in beautiful Victoria, BC, with her husband and best friend George.
Women's Wellness:
Aging at Any Age with Moxie!

Chapter Title: Living My Bold and Audacious Life
And I said to my body, softly, I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath and replied, ‘I’ve been waiting my whole life for this.’”
~Nayyirah Waheed
"Vigor, nerve, pluck. spirit and courage. Force of character. Attitude."
Moxie is the secret sauce that juices things up. It can be subtle or overt, but either way it lets you know who you are and allows you to live out loud with spirit and no regrets.
These authors have shared a diversity of gritty real-life stories from hormonal nightmares, devastating breakups, bullying, illness, accidents, depression and more, yet they have all chosen to move through adversity into triumph.
They now pilot planes, belly dance and burlesque, jump into marathons and onto their Harleys...and range from think to curvy, vegans to meat-eaters, moms to singles, bug business to retired, and from quiet to outrageous.
There is something to inspire every woman in this book . Wherever you're at right now, these stories will inspire you to push the upper limits of your comfort zone and take the next step into a higher level of joy, wellness, purpose and passion.
Pandemic! Stories of Purpose, Passion & Power Through this Extraordinary Era

Chapter Title:
The Beauty in the Simple Things
“We are encouraged to obsess over our instrument’s SHAPE — but our body’s shape has no effect on it’s ability to accept and offer love for us. Just none.
Maybe we continue to obsess because as long we keep wringing our hands about our paintbrush shape, we don’t have to get to work painting our lives. Stop fretting. The truth is that all paintbrush shapes work just fine — and anybody who tells you different is trying to sell you something. Don’t buy it. Follow your heart and paint!”
~Glennon Doyle
When the world came crashing to a halt as a result of the historic 2020 pandemic, we were faced with a choice: to let ourselves be swept up in the waves of fear and overwhelm, or to shift our perspectives and evolve. And while this era is far from over, we have already seen incredible leaps of faith, extraordinary economic creativity, inspirational acts of generosity, and so much more.
In this special edition of the WOW book series, 16 women share their real-life stories about how they are moving through the uncertainty we are all facing. Rather than waiting for a “new normal” to arrive, they took action and found ways to pivot their businesses, pursue new passions or renew forgotten ones, and move forward. These powerful stories capture the unique moment in history we find ourselves living in, and show how we can continue to thrive through the challenging times ahead of us.
Each chapter offers inspiration and strategies on how to shift and evolve in your own life, both personally and professionally. We need to lift each other up, especially in times such as these. By bringing these amazing women together to share their stories, it provides a compass for you to navigate through your own challenging chapter and into your fabulous future.