Christine Mack
#1 Bestselling Author
Christine is from the Nuxalk Nation in Bella Coola, BC (the heart of the Great Bear Rainforest). Before smallpox ravaged the area,
there were 200 communities; after smallpox, less than 200 people survived. They all came together, and this is how Bella Coola was
formed. As a result, resiliency is in Christine’s blood. She takes pride in being a strong Nuxalk woman and mother to her five beautiful children. Her children have given her the strength she needed to continue moving forward and start her healing journey.
Christine began her career in healthcare in 2002. She started as a Resident Care Aide and then furthered her education to become a Licensed Practical Nurse in 2008. She has been an LPN since 2009 and spent all these years working in dementia care at various nursing homes in Kamloops, BC.
Christine has plans to further her education and become a Registered Nurse. Having a child with mental health problems and losing both her best friends to addictions has made her passionate about mental health and addictions. She is going to pursue that path and plans to work in mental health and/ or addictions after she has completed the Registered Nurse program.
Pandemic! Stories of Purpose, Passion & Power Through this Extraordinary Era


Chapter Title: Do It Afraid
“To feel fear doesn’t mean that you’re a coward. Boldness is taking action in the presence of fear – do it afraid!”
~Joyce Meyer
When the world came crashing to a halt as a result of the historic 2020 pandemic, we were faced with a choice: to let ourselves be swept up in the waves of fear and overwhelm, or to shift our perspectives and evolve. And while this era is far from over, we have already seen incredible leaps of faith, extraordinary economic creativity, inspirational acts of generosity, and so much more.
In this special edition of the WOW book series, 16 women share their real-life stories about how they are moving through the uncertainty we are all facing. Rather than waiting for a “new normal” to arrive, they took action and found ways to pivot their businesses, pursue new passions or renew forgotten ones, and move forward. These powerful stories capture the unique moment in history we find ourselves living in, and show how we can continue to thrive through the challenging times ahead of us.
Each chapter offers inspiration and strategies on how to shift and evolve in your own life, both personally and professionally. We need to lift each other up, especially in times such as these. By bringing these amazing women together to share their stories, it provides a compass for you to navigate through your own challenging chapter and into your fabulous future.
Moms in Business
15 Success Stories with Soul


Chapter Title: Finding Your Inner Strength
“No matter what kind of challenges or difficulties or painful situations you go through in your life, we all have something deep within us that we can reach down and find the inner strength to get through them.”
~ Alana Stewart
Motherhood is messy, brilliant, overwhelming... and full of so much love it can stop your heart in its tracks. When you add in a career or business, the juggling act stretches you to new heights. Sometimes it brings you to your knees, but you keep your heart open and you keep going – because you believe in you, and your tribe has your back.
“It takes a village to make life work. These incredibly inspiring, smart and hard-working ‘mompreneurs’ have provided the most heart-warming real-life stories. This book will be a game-changer for your life and business.”
Karlene Karst — Mom of 3, Founder of Sea-licious
“Mom entrepreneurs often feel alone, juggling a dozen balls with one arm while carrying a toddler in the other. Bravo to the women in this book who share their inspiring stories so that others can learn from them.”
Elaine Tan Comeau — 2014 Mompreneur® of the Year
Our authors share the highs and lows of their journeys, and the gems of how they made it all work to survive and thrive. Their stories will make you laugh and cry, and they will inspire you to shine. You are a Woman of Worth and you are absolutely glorious. It’s time to Get WOWed!